US Customs Port Codes

US Customs Port Codes

US Customs Ports are the operational facilities used by the Department of Homeland Security to regulate goods being imported into or exported from the United States. Customs ports of entry are often located near airports, seaports, and land border crossings. Customs ports are created by the Deputy Assistant Secretary by authority from the Secretary of treasury. That office is given authority to establish, arrange, consolidate, and discontinue Customs ports of entry to fit the needs of the US Customs Service. The following is a list of Customs Ports of Entry and Service ports.

Facilities with the ability to transmit AMS (Automated Manifest System) information directly to US Customs must have a Customs assigned FIRMS code.

US Customs Port Codes

# Name ST Portcode
1. Chelsea MA 0401
2. Kingsley Field Klamathfalls OR 2981
3. Gulfport MS 1902
4. Fairbanks AK 3111
5. Dunseith ND 3422
6. Neah Bay WA 3027
7. Little Rock AR 2003
8. Air Cargo Handling Services Inc. 2773
9. River Rouge MI 3801
10. Brownsville TX 2301
11. Key West FL 5202
12. Racine WI 3708
13. Long Beach CA 2709
14. Douglas AZ 2601
15. Midland International Airport TX 5582
16. Calexico-East CA 2507
17. Del Rio TX 2302
18. Newark NJ 4601
19. Black River MI 3802
20. Huron OH 4117
21. Good Hope LA 2014
22. Port Lavaca TX 5313
23. Durham NC 1503
24. Martinez CA 2820
25. Lubbock TX 5503
26. Ponce PR 4908
27. Menominee MI 3702
28. Beaumont TX 2104
29. Clayton NY 0714
30. Camden NJ 1107
31. Kansas City MO 4501
32. Depere WI 3703
33. San Antonio TX 5507
34. Linnton OR 2904
35. Madawaska ME 0109
36. Benicia CA 2830
37. Baton Rouge LA 2004
38. Pal-Waukee User Fee Airport Wheelin 3983
39. Anchorage AK 3126
40. Millington OR 2903
41. Christiansted VI 5104
42. Tnt Skypak Sanfrancisco 2872
43. Port Angeles WA 3007
44. Jobos PR 4911
45. Edgemoor DE 1103
46. Oroville WA 3019
47. Kenosha WI 3708
48. Charleston WV 1409
49. Albany NY 1002
50. Sault Ste. Marie MI 3803

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